Nancy Etz

3 Ways Women Can Balance Their Careers And Families

Women in the working world have a wide variety of pressures they face on a daily basis. They have to overcome the difficulties of setting up a family and having children. They are also constantly undermined by society, managers, and the media. Women must fight back against these pressures if they have any hopes of reaching the highest echelons of their businesses.

Set hard limits

Setting hard limits is almost impossible for any modern employee to do. They have the ability to work from home and have their work follow them on laptops and smartphones. The vast majority of employees are compelled to check their work emails when they are not on the job. But these situations can become incredibly difficult when one is trying to raise a family. There is always the realistic chance that a child or partner will feel hurt and ignored by a woman’s work commitments. The best way to fight back against this real possibility is by establishing strict limits for family and work that can only be changed or modified after a careful consultation with partners and managers at work.

Put pressure on partners

According to Nancy Etz, one of the best ways for women to balance careers and families is for them to have partners who contribute in the home. There has been considerable research over the past few years that shows an inequity in chores done at home. One partner often does more chores and housework than the other partner. In heterosexual relationships, the woman often does more chores than the man even when the woman is working or both partners are working. Women and men must work together to relieve that gap. Women have to make sure that their partner is carrying their weight. They must set up chore systems and strictly enforce different rules and guidelines established int he relationship. Women have a better chance of being successful at their careers if they do not have to spend an inordinate amount of time cooking, cleaning, or caring for their children.

Always consider both factors when making decisions

Women have to keep both their careers and families in mind in most instances. They must make decisions that work for both. For instance, women should remember their families when they are considering large moves for their jobs or new responsibilities that may keep them out long hours. Nancy Etz argues that they must do the same when looking at decisions made by their family members. Women should consider the role that a husband’s touring rock band or a son’s spot on a travelling football team may have on their jobs. They must be willing to negotiate, compromise, and say no on both fronts. Millions of people have threatened the emotional and psychological health of their families by moving in order to improve their career prospects.


Women are continuing to find prominent roles in the working world while also maintaining healthy lives at home. They have been successful at cultivating their careers even with maternity leave and sexism holding them back. Governmental and industry-wide policies can be helpful at easing the burdens that women currently face. But women also have to make smart decisions and tough choices in order to effectively balance their careers and families