dock construction

How to Keep Patios and Decks Clean and New Looking

Having a well-maintained patio or deck can make a lasting impression to guests or potential buyers if you are selling your home. Like the living area, a patio or a deck is also a recreational space where people mostly hang outdoors within the vicinity of their homes. Thus, it is important to keep it safe, clean, and attractive.

According to dock construction company Decks & Docks, there are simple strategies you can do to help you bring out the best in your patios and decks. Below are some of these tips they shared that you can quickly implement.

How to Keep Patios and Decks Clean and New Looking

Keep your patio furniture clean.

What’s a patio or deck without your beautiful furniture? Patio or deck furniture brings life to this outdoor living area, so it is important to keep it clean. If you haven’t purchased any type of table or chair yet, pick ones which are waterproof and can withstand strong gusts of wind. Often, homeowners complain of flimsy furniture that is blown away by the wind. This brings dirt and damage to your furniture.

Keep your patio or deck furniture clean by wiping surfaces at least twice a week and applying a polisher when necessary. If you have surfaces that need to be washed, do so at least twice a month for the best upkeep.

Repaint wooden surfaces when needed.

Another helpful way to maintain your patio or deck area is to paint wooden surfaces. If you have a painted wooden surface, corrosion will come more slowly when you always repaint on time. Also adding polish or varnishing can help the wooden surfaces protected from water and other elements. This is recommended for wooden walls, but you may need assistance for other wooden surface repairs from dock construction companies such as Deck & Docks.

If your wooden surface already has varnishing, be sure to repaint by rubbing sandpaper first. This can help the paint stick better and for you to reapply a new varnished surface.

Have daily maintenance of patio and deck plants.

If you have plants in your deck or patio, it is best to maintain them daily as you would care for your garden. This includes watering potted or plants in soil, trimming dead leaves, and pruning when needed.

Some people like to keep it simple by planting low-maintenance vegetation such as succulents. Potted succulents are a great way to add freshness in your patio without too much work. Additionally, you can also have plants which easily grow in pots such as anthurium, money plant, alocasia, or staghorn fern.

Have a periodic wet and dry patio or deck cleaning.

Dock construction company Decks & Docks suggest that you keep a schedule of wet and dry cleaning of your deck or patio area. Since these areas are located outdoors, they can be prone to dust, mud, algae, or even mold.

It can be helpful to have scheduled wet and dry cleaning sessions either through a service or by using your own high-powered hose. High-powered hoses can help you easily remove surface stains and dirt which can accumulate between tiles or wooden planks.

Dry cleaning may simply involve dusting your furniture or allowing natural heat to dry off the surfaces after using your hose. Be sure that all surfaces dry completely along with heat so that mold and algae will not accumulate on wooden surfaces.

The key takeaway along with these strategies is learning how to schedule your maintenance. When you consider your deck or patio as a full part of your home, it would be easier for you to incorporate cleaning and renovating along with your other rooms