The Pieces Of Furniture Every Nursery Should Have

The first act of an expectant couple is often creating a nursery for their upcoming bundle of joy. This begins with selecting the right furniture. The process does not have to be complicated or stressful and can actually be quite fun. Everything begins by considering the budget, style, and space. Some couples only want the basics while others go way over the top. Whatever type of furniture you are looking for can be found at JMD Furniture. The most important aspect is to move forward with confidence.

The Crib or Bassinet

The crib or bassinet is an incredibly important essential for any nursery. Everything is available from a simple bassinet to an elaborate crib. The area the crib is placed will become the focal point of the nursery. There are a wide variety of styles available and the prices range from fairly inexpensive to extremely pricey. The style you choose is not as important as the way the crib has been constructed. You want to purchase a crib made from quality materials to ensure it is sturdy. The Consumer Product Safety Commission banned drop-side cribs because they did not provide enough support for the baby. Modern cribs have been designed with safety in mind and provide a safe sleep environment for your baby. The best option is a stationary crib but when this is not possible a bassinet can be effective in the beginning.

The crib should be purchased new whenever possible. This will ensure the crib meets current standards and is solid. Some of the cribs with the highest ratings are fairly inexpensive. There are also green manufacturers who are conscious of the environment. A new crib can additionally be used when you have more children and is a good investment. For couples not planning to have more children, there are cribs that convert to beds for toddlers. This will decrease the investment necessary for the child’s furniture.

The Mattress 

The mattress for a crib is a lot different than the mattress you would purchase for your own bed. It should be extremely firm to properly support your baby. It is critical the mattress is not soft enough to conform to the airway of your baby. Stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows should not be placed in your baby’s crib because they can all cause suffocation. Simply choose a very firm mattress and cover it with a tight-fitting sheet.

The Dresser and Changing Table

There are two basic choices for a dresser. The first is a separate unit used to store blankets, clothing, small toys and incidentals. Keep in mind your baby will require several clothing changes each day and you need a convenient place to store this clothing. A dresser will grow with your baby and can still be used once they are a toddler or small child. There are also the dresser and changing table combinations. While these units work well for small areas they are not capable of growing with the child. A stationary changing table will be used to change thousands of diapers. There is a lot of variation including tables with drawers and shelves. These are convenient for organizing diapers, ointments, wipes, and lotions. The table should be sturdy and have a comfortable pad for your baby. For expert advice on nursery furniture please visit JMD Furniture.

The Rocking Chairs and Gliders

The rocking chairs and gliders of the past were usually constructed of wicker and unforgiving wood and the comfort level was not the best. The modern versions are designed for comfort and matching ottomans are often available. A new rocker or glider is always preferable because the used versions can contain dust mites, pet hair or cigarette smoke. It is important you choose a rocker or glider that is comfortable because you will spend a lot of time feeding your baby as well as rocking them gently to sleep. The motion of the rocker is soothing to a baby and often calms down fussiness. This type of chair is especially important if you are planning on breastfeeding.

The Bookshelves

If you have enough room in your nursery bookshelves are advantageous. Over time you can fill them with your child’s favorite books and have easy access to bedtime stories. If you purchase bookshelves that stand on the ground they must be sturdy. Anchoring them to the wall is advised since your child will one day attempt to climb these shelves. A solid anchor will prevent the shelves from falling and possibly injuring your child. Another option is floating shelves. These are mounted on the wall, do not require any extra space and provide a nice decorating touch.